Red Maple vs Silver Maple | How To Identify?

Red Maple vs Silver Maple

Red Maple Red maple is commonly called soft maple, Swamp, Water Maple. It is native to Eastern and Central North America.  Its red flowers, red fruits, and red twigs attract everyone. It is often found in parks and gardens as an ornamental and shady tree. Silver Maple Silver maple is also known as Creek Maple, … Read more

Pin oak vs Red oak | Which is best for you?

Pin oak vs Red oak

Pin Oak Pin oak (Quercus palustris) is native to North America. It is the most commonly used for landscaping, firewood. Its properties are similar to red oak. Pin oak grows very fast and has beautiful fall colors and winter interest. It also has the ability to provide dense shade, such as willow oak. Red Oak … Read more

Silver Maple vs Sugar Maple | What is the difference?

Silver Maple vs Sugar Maple

Silver Maple Silver maple is also known as Creek Maple, Silverleaf Maple, Soft Maple, Large Maple, Water Maple, Swamp Maple, or White Maple. It is native to the eastern and central United States and Canada.  Silver Maple also grows as an ornamental and shady tree. It is often found in parks and gardens. Branches and … Read more

Tree of Heaven vs Sumac | Which is better for you?

Tree of Heaven vs Sumac

Tree of Heaven(Ailanthus altissima)  The tree of heaven is commonly known as ailanthus, a varnish tree. It is a deciduous tree in the family of Simaroubaceae. A native of China and Taiwan. But it is spread all over the world. Its lifespan is only about 50 to 100 years. Ailanthus (i.e. sky-tree) is called the … Read more

Norway Maple vs Silver Maple | Properties, Identification, and Uses

Norway Maple vs Silver Maple

Norway Maple The Norway maple is a species of Maple. There are about 132 species, most of which are native to Asia. Norway maple is native to eastern and central Europe and western Asia. It is known for making furniture and turnery. Widely grown as a shady tree. It grows faster than native maple. In … Read more