What is the difference between Balsa Wood and Plywood?

Balsa Wood vs Plywood

Plywood is stronger, more durable, and more stable than balsa wood. Balsa wood is softwood (Usually they are soft) while Plywood is made with two or more veneer sheets of hardwood and softwood. We can turn plywood into any design, but it is difficult to do with balsa wood or any other solid wood. Why … Read more

Redwood Properties | Uses, Advantages and Disadvantages

Redwood Properties

Redwood is durable, moderately moisture-resistant, and highly decay-resistant softwood. This is an excellent option for both the interior and exterior. It is an excellent versatile softwood used for almost all wood projects. Being a softwood, working with hand and machine tools is easy. Redwood is also known for its naturally rich color, ranging from pink-brown to deep reddish-brown. … Read more

Dark Wood Species | Properties, Pros and Cons

Dark Wood Species

There are many species of dark wood. Some are easily available, but some are very rare and expensive. Most of the owners prefer dark furniture and other interior applications because it gives a warm and comforting look to a room. Dark wood has rich color, strength, and stability. Which are essential properties for furniture. What … Read more

Meranti Wood | Types of Meranti, Uses, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Meranti Wood

Meranti Wood Meranti is strong and stable hardwood. It is used for the construction industry, furniture, and boat building. Meranti wood is not very durable and not rot resistant. It is native to Southeast Asia. Meranti wood is easy to work with and Glues, stains, and finishes well. Meranti wood is considered better for exterior/interior … Read more

African Walnut vs American Walnut | Uses, Workability and Price

African walnut vs American walnut

African walnut (Lovoa Trichilioides) African walnut is a moderately strong and durable hardwood, also it has good working properties. The grain of African walnut is slightly interlocked and has a uniform texture. It is widely used for plywood and veneer sheets. African walnut is not related to true walnuts in the Juglans genus But is … Read more

Maple Wood | Uses, Color, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Maple Wood

Maple is a creamy white hardwood from a deciduous tree that sheds its leaves each autumn. Maple is not naturally rot-resistant, So it is not suitable for outdoor applications, but it is one of the popular woods for interior use. It is commonly used for quality flooring, furniture, plywood, and veneer sheets. Maple is hard, … Read more